Governing complex commons — The role of communication for experimental learning and coordinated management

In this paper, we build on common-pool research and adaptive management to increase our understanding on if and how communication between resource users affects their joint ability to learn about and manage complex ecological resources. More specifically we study the role of user communication in relation to learning through continual experimentation when managing a complex resource system involving resource interdependencies. For this purpose we designed…

Governing complex commons – the role of communication for experimental learning and coordinated management

In this paper, we build on adaptive management and common pool research to increase our understanding on if and how communication between resource users affects their joint ability to learn about and manage complex ecological common resources over time. More specifically we will study the role of user communication in relation to learning through continual experimentation, when managing a complex resource system involving resource interdependencies….

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in /data/3/d/3d8bdd9a-5ffb-4709-845e-aa5c8ec2917f/ on line 42

Call stack:

  1. include()
  2. require_once('/data/3/d/3d8bdd9a-5.../template-loader.php')
  3. require('/data/3/d/3d8bdd9a-5...l/wp-blog-header.php')

Query Monitor

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