Journal article
Digital technology and energy sustainability: Recent advances, challenges, and opportunities

Wei, C., C.Z. Li, A. Löschel, S. Managi, and T. Lundgren. 2023. Digital technology and energy sustainability: Recent advances, challenges, and opportunities. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 190:106803.

Digitalization and sustainability represent two global mainstreams, which affect many dimensions of economic activity and daily life. However, their interaction remains still underexploited with different synergies and tradeoffs between these goals. This Virtual Special Issue (VSI) entitled “Digital technology and energy sustainability: impacts and policy needs” presents recent research on the nexus between digital technology and energy sustainability. This editorial introduces seven recent studies on...

Journal article
Comparing relationships between urban heat exposure, ecological structure, and socio-economic patterns in Beijing and New York City

Wang, J., T. McPhearson, W. Zhou, E.M. Cook, P. Herreros-Cantis, and J. Liu. 2023. Comparing relationships between urban heat exposure, ecological structure, and socio-economic patterns in Beijing and New York City. Landscape and Urban Planning 235:104750.

Journal article
Social media data for environmental sustainability: A critical review of opportunities, threats, and ethical use

Ghermandi, A. et al. 2023. Social media data for environmental sustainability: A critical review of opportunities, threats, and ethical use. One Earth 6(3):236-250.

Social media data are transforming sustainability science. However, challenges from restrictions in data accessibility and ethical concerns regarding potential data misuse have threatened this nascent field. Here, we review the literature on the use of social media data in environmental and sustainability research. We find that they can play a novel and irreplaceable role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals by allowing a nuanced understanding of...

Journal article
Automated framing of climate change? The role of social bots in the Twitter climate change discourse during the 2019/2020 Australia bushfires

Daume, S., V. Galaz, and P. Bjersér. 2023. Automated framing of climate change? The role of social bots in the Twitter climate change discourse during the 2019/2020 Australia bushfires. Social Media + Society 9(2).

Extreme weather-related events like wildfires have been increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change. Public online conversations that reflect on these events as climate emergencies can create awareness and build support for climate action but are also used to spread misinformation and climate change denial. To what extent automated social media accounts—“social bots”—amplify different perspectives of such events and influence climate change discourses,...

Climate misinformation in a climate of misinformation.

Galaz, V., H. Metzler, S. Daume, A. Olsson, B. Lindström, A. Markström. 2023. Climate misinformation in a climate of misinformation.. Online research brief. Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University) and Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) .

Journal article
Global environmental governance in times of turbulence

Galaz, V. 2022. Global environmental governance in times of turbulence. One Earth 5(6):582-585.

50 years might not seem long in the history of planet Earth, but the last 50 years have had profound implications for our living planet. 2022 marks the 50th anniversaries of the United Nations Environment Programme and the historic 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. These anniversaries invite us all to reflect on the successes and failures of collective action and global environmental governance.

Proxy voting for the Earth System: Institutional shareholder governance of global tipping elements

Golland, A., V. Galaz, G. Engstrom, and J. Fichtner. 2022. Proxy voting for the Earth System: Institutional shareholder governance of global tipping elements. SSRN Electronic Journal .

Global “tipping elements” such as large forest biomes are critical for climate stability, and are key resource pools for extractive industries – typically, forestry and farming. In recent years the largest global asset managers have begun promoting sustainability policies among their portfolio companies, while evidence suggests that financial institutions can influence change in forest biomes through shareholdings. We explore this potential by studying proxy voting...

Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. Report for Stockholm+50

Galaz, V. and D. Collste (eds). 2022. Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. Report for Stockholm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (Royal Swedish Acad­emy of Sciences) and Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University)..

A new planetary reality

Galaz, V., G. Daily, C. Folke, S. Levin, M. Ruck­elshaus, W. Steffen, and P. Søgaard Jørgensen. 2022. A new planetary reality. In: Galaz, V. and D. Collste (eds.) Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. Report for Stock­holm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Eco­nomics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) and Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University), Chapter 1.

Our living planet, with its biosphere and physical climate system, is changing at an unprecedented speed. Changes in the climate system and the biosphere, previously assumed to unfold in a distant future and affect only future generations, are happening now and with increasing speed and force.

The Power of giants

Galaz, V., Crépin, A.-S., Fichtner, J., Hallerby, R., Jonsson, M., Kedward, K., Nessen, M., Ryan-Col­lins, J., Ölcer, D., Österblom, H. 2022. The Power of giants. In: Galaz V. and Collste, D. (eds). Econ­omy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. Report for Stockholm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (Royal Swedish Acad­emy of Sciences) and Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University). Chapter 5.

Not all economic and financial actors are equally influential. Our globalised economies contain a considerable concentration of influence and power, possibly putting Earth’s future in the hands of but a few.