Journal article
Climate Proofing Cities by Navigating Nature-Based Solutions in a Multi-Scale, Social–Ecological Urban Planning Context: A Case Study of Flood Protection in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden

Egegård, C.H., M. Lindborg, Å, Gren, L. Marcus, M.B. Pont, and J. Colding. 2024. Climate Proofing Cities by Navigating Nature-Based Solutions in a Multi-Scale, Social–Ecological Urban Planning Context: A Case Study of Flood Protection in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden. Land 13(2), 143.

Due to unsustainable land management and climate change, floods have become more frequent and severe over the past few decades and the problem is exacerbated in urban environments. In the context of climate-proofing cities, the importance of nature-based solutions (NBSs), obtaining relevant outcomes in the form of ecosystem services, has been highlighted. Although the role of ecosystem services in building resilience against negative climate change...

Journal article
Placing Urban Renewal in the Context of the Resilience Adaptive Cycle

Marcus. L. and J. Colding. 2024. Placing Urban Renewal in the Context of the Resilience Adaptive Cycle. Land 13(1), 8.

Resilience thinking provides valuable insights into the dynamics of complex adaptive systems. To achieve resilience in urban systems, it can be fruitful to delve into the intricacies ofresilience processes. This paper theorizes about how the specific characteristics of resilient systems can be integrated into the spatial design of cities. Emphasizing the importance of the built form and spatial systems in maintaining order within urban processes,...

FAIRTRANS Policyslutsatser 1: Rättvisa koldioxidbudgetar för Sverige (FAIRTRANS Policy Conclusions 1: Fair Carbon Budgets for Sweden)

Hahn, T., M. Karlsson, I. Fetzer, A. Linell, E. Alfredsson, S. Barthel, and J. Colding. 2023. FAIRTRANS Policyslutsatser 1: Rättvisa koldioxidbudgetar för Sverige (FAIRTRANS Policy Conclusions 1: Fair Carbon Budgets for Sweden). FAIRTRANS.

FAIRTRANS Kunskapsunderlag 1. Rättviseperspektiv på digitaliseringens roll för omställning mot ett fossilfritt Sverige (Justice perspectives on the role of digitalisation in the transition towards a fossil-free Sweden)

Colding, J., S. Sjöberg, S. Barthel, M. Svensson-Wiklander, A. Rex, P. Andersson, and K. Nordin. 2023. FAIRTRANS Kunskapsunderlag 1. Rättviseperspektiv på digitaliseringens roll för omställning mot ett fossilfritt Sverige (Justice perspectives on the role of digitalisation in the transition towards a fossil-free Sweden). FAIRTRANS.

Journal article
Opportunities and barriers to net-zero cities

Hsu, A. et al. 2022. Opportunities and barriers to net-zero cities. One Earth 5(7):739-744.

Today, more than 700 cities worldwide have made net-zero pledges. Managing these bold targets, however, is not easy given the complexity of urban systems. Although holistic mitigation efforts are vital, individual sectors are likely to face their own challenges and require tailor-made solutions. This Voices asks: what are the challenges and opportunities in transforming cities toward net-zero carbon emissions?

FAIRTRANS Rapport 1: Rättvisa koldioxidbudgetar för Sverige (FAIRTRANS Report 1: Fair Carbon Budgets for Sweden)

Hahn, T., I. Fetzer, M. Karlsson, J. Ergon, E. Alfredsson, M. Malmaeus, S. Barthel, and J. Colding. 2022. FAIRTRANS Rapport 1: Rättvisa koldioxidbudgetar för Sverige (FAIRTRANS Report 1: Fair Carbon Budgets for Sweden). FAIRTRANS.

Journal article
Social-ecological urbanism: Developing discourse, institutions and urban form for the design of resilient social-ecological systems in cities

Berghauser Pont, M., S. Barthel, J. Colding, Å. Gren, A. Legeby, and L. Marcus. 2022. Social-ecological urbanism: Developing discourse, institutions and urban form for the design of resilient social-ecological systems in cities. Frontiers in Built Environment 8:982681.

Journal article
Frontiers in social-ecological urbanism

Colding, J., K. Samuelsson, L. Marcus, Å. Gren, A. Legeby, M. Berghauser Pont. 2022. Frontiers in social-ecological urbanism. Land 11(6):929.

This paper describes a new approach in urban ecological design, referred to as social–ecological urbanism (SEU). It draws from research in resilience thinking and space syntax in the analysis of relationships between urban processes and urban form at the microlevel of cities, where social and ecological services are directly experienced by urban dwellers. The paper elaborates on three types of media for urban designers to...

Journal article
Urban climate resilience through hybrid infrastructure

Andersson, E., N.B. Grimm, J.A. Lewis, C.L. Redman, S. Barthel, J. Colding, and T. Elmqvist. 2022. Urban climate resilience through hybrid infrastructure. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 55:101158.

Urban infrastructure will require transformative changes to adapt to changing disturbance patterns. We ask what new opportunities hybrid infrastructure—built environments coupled with landscape-scale biophysical structures and processes—offer for building different layers of resilience critical for dealing with increased variation in the frequency, magnitude and different phases of climate-related disturbances. With its more diverse components and different internal logics, hybrid infrastructure opens up alternative and additive...

Journal article
Urban Commons and collective action to address climate change

Colding, J., S. Barthel, R. Ljung, F. Eriksson, and S. Sjöberg. 2021. Urban Commons and collective action to address climate change. Social Inclu­sion 10(1).

Climate change and the coupled loss of ecosystem services pose major collective action problems in that all individuals would benefit from better cooperation to address these problems but conflicting interests and/or incomplete knowledge discourage joint action. Adopting an inductive and multi‐layered approach, drawing upon the authors’ previous research on urban commons, we here summarize key insights on environmentally oriented urban commons and elaborate on what...