Effects of public policy interventions for environmentally sustainable food consumption: a systematic map of available evidence
Ran, Y., P. Van Rysselberge, B. Macura, U.M. Persson, A. A. Hatab, M. Jonell, T. Lindahl, and E. Röös. 2024. Effects of public policy interventions for environmentally sustainable food consumption: a systematic map of available evidence. Environmental Evidence 13:10.
The global food system is inflicting substantial environmental harm, necessitating a shift towards more environmentally sustainable food consumption practices. Policy interventions, for example, information campaigns, taxes and subsidies and changes in the choice context are essential to stimulate sustainable change, but their effectiveness in achieving environmental goals remains inadequately understood. Existing literature lacks a comprehensive synthesis of evidence on the role of public policies in...
Environmental assessment of diets: overview and guidance on indicator choice
Ran, Y., C. Cederberg, M. Jonell, K. Bergman, I. J. M. De Boer, R. Einarsson, J. Karlsson, H. K. Potter, M. Martin, G. S. Metson, T. Nemecek, K. A. Nicholas, Å. Strand, P. Tidåker, H. Van der Werf, D. Vanham, H. H. E. Van Zanten, F. Verones, and E. Röös. 2024. Environmental assessment of diets: overview and guidance on indicator choice. The Lancet Planetary Health 8(3):e172-e187.
Comprehensive but interpretable assessment of the environmental performance of diets involves choosing a set of appropriate indicators. Current knowledge and data gaps on the origin of dietary foodstuffs restrict use of indicators relying on site-specific information. This Personal View summarises commonly used indicators for assessing the environmental performance of diets, briefly outlines their benefits and drawbacks, and provides recommendations on indicator choices for actors across...
Climate, biodiversity and health targets for Swedish food production and consumption.
Jonell, M., R. Alvstad, K. Eitrem Holmgren, J. Bengtsson, M. Persson, G. D. Peterson, E. Röös, L. J. Gordon, I. Fetzer, and A. Wood. 2024. Climate, biodiversity and health targets for Swedish food production and consumption. Mistra Food Futures Report #20.
Goals help us set the right priorities, monitor and track progress, and create a shared vision for how society should develop. In the transition towards sustainable food systems, these goals are crucial. The purpose of this report is to provide a foundation for discussion on the design of goals for Mistra Food Futures (MFF), which aims to make the Swedish food system sustainable and resilient...
Agriculture and Food. Improved preparedness with respect to food can be achieved through sustainable and resilient food systems – examples from Sweden
Hansson H., Hansson, P-A., Carlsson G., Eriksson, C., Gordon, L., Hellström M., Jonell, M., Lindahl, T., Röös E. and U. Sonesson. 2024. Agriculture and Food. Improved preparedness with respect to food can be achieved through sustainable and resilient food systems – examples from Sweden. Mistra Food Futures policy brief .
This policy brief introduces how improved food preparedness can be achieved through methods that simultaneously reduce the negative impact of the food system on climate and the environment by focusing on actions that lead to a more resilient food system. By prioritizing increased resilience, both improved food preparedness and a development in line with a more sustainable food system can be achieved. We use examples...
Synergies and trade-offs between crisis preparedness and environmental sustainability of school meals in Sweden.
Alvstad, R., M. Jonell, and T. Lindahl. 2024. Synergies and trade-offs between crisis preparedness and environmental sustainability of school meals in Sweden.. Mistra Food Futures Report #22.
Recent demands and efforts to increase the food preparedness of Swedish municipalities call for an examination of how sustainable development and resilience is addressed in preparedness planning. This study explores opportunities and barriers for environmental sustainability and crisis preparedness to go hand in hand, using the case of school meals in Sweden. Specifically, we ask how recent crises and calls for preparedness affect the municipalities’...
A rebalanced discussion of the roles of livestock in society.
Herzon, I., R. Mazac, M. Erkkola, T. Garnett, H. Hansson, M. Kaljonen, T. Kortetmäki, A. Lonkila, M. Jonell, M. Niva, A. M. Pajari, T. Tribaldos, M. Toivonen, H. L. Tuomisto, K. Koppelmäki, and E. Röös. 2023. A rebalanced discussion of the roles of livestock in society. Nature Food (4):926–927.
Aquaculture governance: five engagement arenas for sustainability transformation
Partelow, S. et al. 2023. Aquaculture governance: five engagement arenas for sustainability transformation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 65:101379.
A greater focus on governance is needed to facilitate effective and substantive progress toward sustainability transformations in the aquaculture sector. Concerted governance efforts can help move the sector beyond fragmented technical questions associated with intensification and expansion, social and environmental impacts, and toward system-based approaches that address interconnected sustainability issues. Through a review and expert-elicitation process, we identify five engagement arenas to advance a governance agenda for aquaculture sustainability...
Reframing the local-global food systems debate through a resilience lens
Wood, A., C. Queiroz, L. Deutsch, B. González-Mon, M. Jonell, L. Pereira, H. Sinare, U. Svedin, and E. Wassénius. 2023. Reframing the local-global food systems debate through a resilience lens. Nature Food 4:22-29.
Despite the growing knowledge that food system solutions should account for interactions and drivers across scales, broader societal debate on how to solve food system challenges is often focused on two dichotomous perspectives and associated solutions: either more localized food systems or greater global coordination of food systems. The debate has found problematic expressions in contemporary challenges, prompting us to revisit the role that resilience...
Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations
Crona, B.I. et al. 2023. Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations. Nature 616:104-112.
Blue foods, sourced in aquatic environments, are important for the economies, livelihoods, nutritional security and cultures of people in many nations. They are often nutrient rich1, generate lower emissions and impacts on land and water than many terrestrial meats2, and contribute to the health3, wellbeing and livelihoods of many rural communities4. The Blue Food Assessment recently evaluated nutritional, environmental, economic and justice dimensions of blue foods...
Lax – Hållbart och hälsosamt? (Salmon – Healthy and sustainable?)
Ziegler, F., S. Hornborg, M. Troell, P.J.G. Henriksson, and M. Jonell. 2023. Lax – Hållbart och hälsosamt? (Salmon – Healthy and sustainable?). SeaWin Policy Brief no. 6, SeaWin.