En tryggare och godare värld. Ett inspel till Livsmedelsstrategi 2.0. (A safer and tastier world. A contribution to Sweden’s National Food Strategy 2.0)

Gordon, L., H. Hansson, P-A. Hansson, M. Jonell, M. Hellström, T. Lindahl, and U. Sonesson. 2023. En tryggare och godare värld. Ett inspel till Livsmedelsstrategi 2.0. (A safer and tastier world. A contribution to Sweden’s National Food Strategy 2.0). Mistra Food Futures Policy Brief. Mistra Food Futures.

Beijer Discussion Paper
What factors influence the choice between fish and meat among grocery shoppers? Insights from an unsuccessful nudge intervention

Lindahl T. and N. Linder. 2023. Beijer Discussion Paper 279: What factors influence the choice between fish and meat among grocery shoppers? Insights from an unsuccessful nudge intervention. Beijer Discussion Paper Series.

Food production is the human activity with the greatest impact on the earth systems and account for about a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing consumption of certain meat (e.g., beef, pork and lamb) and replacing it with proteins with less environmental impact has been highlighted as one of the greatest leverage points to achieve a more sustainable food system. In this study we...

Journal article
Avoiding catastrophic collapse in small-scale fisheries through inefficient cooperation: Evidence from a framed field experiment

Lindahl, T. and R. Jarungrattanapong. 2023. Avoiding catastrophic collapse in small-scale fisheries through inefficient cooperation: Evidence from a framed field experiment. Environment and Development Economics 28(2):111-129.

Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are significant for poverty alleviation, but are threatened by over-exploitation and climate change effects such as drastic drops in regrowth rates. How will fishers adapt? To shed light on this, we ran a common-pool resource experiment with SSF fishers in Thailand. Our results show that groups confronted with a potential abrupt drop in the regrowth rate are more likely to form cooperative...

Journal article
Avoiding catastrophic collapse in small-scale fisheries through inefficient cooperation: evidence from a framed field experiment

Lindahl, T. and R. Jarungrattanapong. 2022. Avoiding catastrophic collapse in small-scale fisheries through inefficient cooperation: evidence from a framed field experiment. Environment and Development Economics https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355770X22000171.

Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are significant for poverty alleviation, but are threatened by over-exploitation and climate change effects such as drastic drops in regrowth rates. How will fishers adapt? To shed light on this, we ran a common-pool resource experiment with SSF fishers in Thailand. Our results show that groups confronted with a potential abrupt drop in the regrowth rate are more likely to form cooperative...

Journal article
Combining approaches: Looking behind the scenes of integrating multiple types of evidence from controlled behavioural exper­iments through agent-based modelling

Wijermans, N., C. Schill, T. Lindahl, and M. Schlüter. 2022. Combining approaches: Looking behind the scenes of integrating multiple types of evidence from controlled behavioural exper­iments through agent-based modelling. Inter­national Journal of Social Research Methodolo­gy 25(4):569-581.

Understanding complex (social) phenomena benefits from combining different tools, perspectives, expertise, and experiences. Research designs that combine approaches are gaining in popularity. Carrying out research in interdisciplinary teams, however, is a challenging, high-investment activity. Unawareness of and reflecting on conflicting ways of seeing or studying the world may endanger project success. Agent-based modelling has proven instrumental in bringing together different approaches. Yet, this potential enabler...

Journal article
What evidence exists on the effects of public policy interventions for achieving environmentally sus­tainable food consumption? A systematic map protocol

Macura, B., Y. Ran, U.M. Persson, A. Abu Hatab, M. Jonell, T. Lindahl, and E. Röös. 2022. What evidence exists on the effects of public policy interventions for achieving environmentally sus­tainable food consumption? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence 11(1):1-9.

Background The global food system is causing considerable environmental harm. A transition towards more sustainable consumption is needed. Targeted public policy interventions are crucial for stimulating such transition. While there is extensive research about the promotion of more environmentally sustainable food consumption, this knowledge is scattered across different sources. This systematic map aims to collate and describe the available evidence on public policy interventions such...

Journal article
Limited and unlimited wants examined

Lindahl, T.. 2022. Limited and unlimited wants examined. Nature Sustainability 5:641-642.

Always aspiring for more is a side of human nature that does not accord well with sustainable resource use. However, recent results show that this facet of human nature may not be as typical as previously assumed, potentially opening up a more sustainable and just future for humanity.

Foundations for behavioral change

Lindahl, T., C. Schill, D. Collste, A.-S. Crépin, C. Folke, and V. Galaz. 2022. Foundations for behavioral change. In: Galaz, V. and D. Collste (eds.) Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. Report for Stockholm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) and the Stock­holm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University), Chapter 6.

Transforming societies towards sustainability requires that individuals, groups and the private and societal sectors alike, change their behaviours. Since behaviour is, to a large extent, guided by social norms, a change of norms has the potential to ignite the necessary large-scale behavioural shifts.

From systemic risks to system opportunities

Galaz, V., D. Collste, A.-S. Crépin, B. Crona, G. Daily, C. Folke, T. Lindahl, P. Olsson, M. Ruck­elshaus, C. Schill, L. Hård af Segerstad, and T. McPhearson. 2022. From systemic risks to system opportunities. In: Galaz, V. and D. Collste (eds.) Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. Report for Stockholm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) and Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University), Chapter 7.

The changing planetary reality and our inability to properly grasp its consequences for people and planet pose immense challenges and risks. Yet, a shift towards a prosperous future for all on a thriving planet is possible. Domino-effects that support opportunities for both people and the planet can be triggered in many ways: changing social norms, supporting economic policies and institutions, the “power of giants”, initiatives...

Book chapter
Controlled behavioural experiments

Lindahl, T., M.A. Janssen, and C. Schill. 2021. Controlled behavioural experiments. In: Biggs, R., A. De Vos, R. Preiser, H. Clements, K. Maciejew­ski, and M. Schlüter (eds.). The Routledge Hand­book of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems. Routledge, London, UK. Pp. 295-306.