In the journey towards a sustainable future, humanity finds itself at the helm of “Spaceship Earth”, a metaphor capturing the reality that Earth, much like a spaceship, has finite resources and boundaries that demand careful management. In an analogy between our current global environmental crisis and the infamous voyage of the Titanic, researchers identify critical aspects of human behaviour that serve as barriers or opportunities…
Tag: Carl Folke
The sustainability trilemma
In the quest for sustainable development, achieving prosperity, equality and a healthy environment is the ultimate goal. This trio, often called the “triple bottom line”, aims to provide high living standards that are both widely shared and environmentally sustainable. However, recent research suggests that this ideal may be more of a trilemma, as these goals frequently conflict with one another. In a study initiated within…
Bringing nature into decision making
It is time to put nature at the centre of decision-making, for the sake of our civilisation. That is a message in a special issue examining some of the challenges and most promising solutions for bringing nature into decision-making at scale, highlighting successful cases in a variety of sectors. “Contemporary economic development has led to dramatic decline of the natural world according to a wide range…
Evolutionary traps for humanity
Humankind risks getting stuck in evolutionary traps, ranging from global climate tipping points to misaligned artificial intelligence, chemical pollution, and accelerating infectious diseases. Researchers have identified 14 of these, but also point to ways out. The evolution of humanity has been an extraordinary success story. But the Anthropocene — the proposed geological epoch shaped by us humans — is showing more and more cracks. Multiple…
Beijer Institute researchers among the world’s most cited – again
The Beijer Institute’s director Carl Folke and programme director Max Troell are both listed on the exclusive 2023 Clarivate Analytics overview of the world’s most cited researchers. The list recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science. “Highly Cited Researchers…
Recommendations for nature-related risk management and disclosure
After two years of design and development through an open innovation process, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (‘TNFD’) has published its final Recommendations for nature-related risk management and disclosure. These recommendations are a milestone in the relationship between nature, business and financial capital, positioning nature risk alongside financial, operational and climate risk and helping to shift capital flows to nature-positive outcomes. The Recommendations aim…
Can corporations be a force for good?
Transnational corporations (TNCs) are becoming increasingly powerful and thus critically important for ensuring that irreversible climate or ecosystem tipping points are not transgressed. National legislation often fails to prevent harmful impacts of TNCs on the climate system, ecosystems and people. An article in Annual Review of Environment and Resources calls for more transformative approaches by TNCs, together with stronger actions by governments and global organisations…
How to ramp up transformation to Earth stewardship
There is increased public demand for an “earth stewardship vision” that replaces competitive consumerism with an ethic of responsibility, care, and empathy, according to a recent study in the journal Ambio. The study indentifies five pragmatic and strategic leverage points for transformation toward earth stewardship. It stresses that all countries can and must contribute, but at the same time current and historical responsibilities and uneven…
WTO must end harmful fisheries subsidies, scientists urge
Hundreds of scientists around the world have signed a letter in Science urging World Trade Organisation (WTO) members to reach an agreement to ban harmful fishing subsidies. With 90 percent of the world’s fish stocks either fully exploited or overfished, according to FAO, WTO members must prohibit fisheries subsidies that cause harm. Beijer researchers Anne-Sophie Crépin, Carl Folke and Max Troell are among the 296…
Healthy ecosystems crucial for reaching climate targets
Earth’s ecosystems have played a central role in keeping our planet’s climate system unusually stable throughout the last 11,700 years. Today, ocean and land ecosystems remove around 50% of human induced CO2 emissions from the atmosphere each year. Without this biosphere carbon storage, current international climate targets cannot be met. Therefore, alongside efforts to transition away from fossil fuels, deforestation, environmental degradation and loss of…
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