
Beijer Institute researchers organise and teach the course Challenges of Environmental Decision-making to students taking the Master's programme Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development at Stockholm Resilience Centre.
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Mäler Scholarship
The Mäler Scholarship, launched with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, is intended for researchers from the Regional Networks in Environmental Economics, CEEPA, EEPSEA, LACEEP, SANDEE, to support the networks in creating increased capacity in their respective regions to use ecological economics for analysing environment and development issues.
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Stockholm Seminars
The Stockholm Seminars cover a broad range of perspectives on sustainability issues and are focused on the need for a sound scientific basis for sustainable development policy. They are arranged by Albaeco, the Beijer Institute, Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. The Stockholm Seminars were paused during the Covid-19 pandemic but will hopefully run again 2023.
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