PUBLICATION Journal article

Combining approaches: Looking behind the scenes of integrating multiple types of evidence from controlled behavioural exper­iments through agent-based modelling

Understanding complex (social) phenomena benefits from combining different tools, perspectives, expertise, and experiences. Research designs that combine approaches are gaining in popularity. Carrying out research in interdisciplinary teams, however, is a challenging, high-investment activity. Unawareness of and reflecting on conflicting ways of seeing or studying the world may endanger project success. Agent-based modelling has proven instrumental in bringing together different approaches. Yet, this potential enabler remains an unusual combination partner: the additional prevalent lack of transparency about what is combined, and how, obstructs advancement. We therefore invite our readers behind the scenes of our multi-year research collaboration where we combine agent-based modelling with controlled behavioural experiments to advance the understanding of collective resource use in a common pool resource dilemma. The paper contributes by 1) being an example in sharing the processes of combining approaches, and by 2) highlighting the enabling role of ABM in combining research approaches.

Wijermans, N., C. Schill, T. Lindahl, and M. Schlüter. 2022. Combining approaches: Looking behind the scenes of integrating multiple types of evidence from controlled behavioural exper­iments through agent-based modelling. Inter­national Journal of Social Research Methodolo­gy 25(4):569-581.