PUBLICATION • Journal article
Environmental Objectives, Cost Efficiency and Multivariate Stochastic Control
This paper is concerned with the cost efficiency in achieving the Swedish national air quality objectives under uncertainty. To realize an ecologically sustainable society, the parliament has approved a set of interim and long-term pollution reduction targets. However, there are considerable quantification uncertainties on the effectiveness of the proposed pollution reduction measures. In this paper, we develop a multivariate stochastic control framework to deal with the cost efficiency problem with multiple pollutants. Based on the cost and technological data collected by several national authorities, we explore the implications of alternative probabilistic constraints. It is found that a composite probabilistic constraint induces considerably lower abatement cost than separable probabilistic restrictions. The trend is reinforced by the presence of positive correlations between reductions in themultiple pollutants.
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Keywords: Cost efficiency, Environmental objectives, Multivariate stochastic control
Li, C.-Z., and E. Budh. 2008. Environmental Objectives, Cost Efficiency and Multivariate Stochastic Control. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 13:315–325.