From systemic risks to system opportunities

The changing planetary reality and our inability to properly grasp its consequences for people and planet pose immense challenges and risks. Yet, a shift towards a prosperous future for all on a thriving planet is possible. Domino-effects that support opportunities for both people and the planet can be triggered in many ways: changing social norms, supporting economic policies and institutions, the “power of giants”, initiatives to phase out malfunctioning systems and accelerated investor action for biosphere stewardship and equity.

Galaz, V., D. Collste, A.-S. Crépin, B. Crona, G. Daily, C. Folke, T. Lindahl, P. Olsson, M. Ruck­elshaus, C. Schill, L. Hård af Segerstad, and T. McPhearson. 2022. From systemic risks to system opportunities. In: Galaz, V. and D. Collste (eds.) Economy and Finance for a Just Future on a Thriving Planet. Report for Stockholm+50. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) and Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University), Chapter 7.