PUBLICATION Book chapter

Playing safe: The role of quotas to avoid ecosystem regime shifts

The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change provides a comprehensive and prominent reference of various highly authoritative volumes of long-term scientific value, for milestone concepts and theories. The books in the reference set are edited by leading experts in the fields of: Game Theory, International Relations and Global Politics, Computable General Equilibrium (CGE): Economy-Wide Modeling, and Experimental Economics.

Lindahl, T., A.-S. Crépin,and N. Orescovic. 2016. Playing safe: The role of quotas to avoid ecosystem regime shifts. In: A. Botelho, F. Munoz-Garcia, R.A. Matthew, C. Harron, K. Goodrich, B. Maharramli, E. Nizkorodov, T. Bryant, A. Botelho . WSPC Reference of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change. Volume 4: Experimental Economics. World Scientific. Pp. 121 – 150.