PUBLICATION Journal article

Poultry manure fertilization of Egyptian aquaculture ponds brings more cons than pros

Aquaculture is a crucial sector for Egyptian food production, providing a cheap source of animal protein while securing income and employment for a substantial part Egypt’s population. Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is the most commonly produced fish, usually farmed in earthen ponds around the Northern Delta Lakes. A common practice among farms is to fertilize ponds with chicken manure (CM) in order to increase nutrient levels and promote phytoplankton, consumed by the fish. However, with reports of use of antibiotics in Egypt’s poultry sector, and that CM contains residues of antibiotics, antibiotic resistant pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are production benefits large enough to compensate a potential health hazard?
Using production data from 501 aquaculture farms and fish pond sediment from 28 ponds we evaluated potential benefits in yields and profitability for farms using CM for fertilization, and used qPCRs to screen sediments for three antibiotic resistance genes coding for resistance to the most commonly used antibiotics in the poultry sector. The analysis showed no significant benefits to fish yields or profitability in farms where CM was applied, but a risk of significantly increased nutrient loads. Meanwhile, we detected increased abundances of tetA and tetW resistance genes in fish pond sediment where CM was applied. With the risk of disseminating ARGs and causing eutrophication of local waterways, we recommend that Egyptian tilapia pond farmers refrain from using CM and adopt best management practices for increasing farm profitability in order to to reduce environmental and health hazards.

Keywords: Aquaculture, ARGs, Chicken manure, eutrophication, profitability

Nyberg, O., A. Novotny, A. S. Sbaay, A. M. Nasr-Allah, D. A. R. Al-Kenawy, C. M. Rossignoli, and P. J. G. Henriksson. 2024. Poultry manure fertilization of Egyptian aquaculture ponds brings more cons than pros. Aquaculture 590:741040.