NEWS • 2021-04-01
Nobel Prize Summit “Our Planet, Our Future”
The Beijer Institute is co-organiser of the first Nobel Prize Summit “Our Planet, Our Future”, bringing together Nobel Prize laureates and other esteemed leaders in the sciences, policy, business, the youth movement, and the arts to explore actions that can be achieved this decade to put the world on a path to a more sustainable, more prosperous future for all.
Across three days, 26-28 April, 2021 the virtual event will combine keynotes and lively discussion with live performance and theatre. Speakers will explore solutions to some of humanity’s greatest challenges: climate change and biodiversity loss, increasing inequality, and technological innovation in support of societal goals.
The summit will ask: what can we learn from our collective response to the global pandemic? And, how can societies distinguish facts from fiction in a new information ecosystem?
The Nobel Prize Summit is hosted by the Nobel Foundation and organized by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in partnership with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Stockholm Resilience Centre, and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics. Beijer director Carl Folke has led the work with the scientific background paper for the meeting Our future in the Anthropocene Biosphere.
Three days of science, art and networking
The first two days of the summit will feature compelling talks and discussions, special artist performances, and opportunities for audience participation and networking; the final day will consist of online events to spur action among specific audiences.
In addition, concurrent science seminars — designed for laureates and other scientific experts in global sustainability, but open to all — will examine the role of science in supporting global sustainability and resilient societies.
The virtual event is free and open to the public.
Nobel laureates will be joined by guests including Al Gore, the Dalai Lama, Anthony Fauci, Johan Rockström and youth activist Xiye Bastida.
Join the conversation at #NobelPrizeSummit
Triggering action
“Every year, the Nobel Prize underscores the value and power of science to benefit humanity,” says Nobel Foundation Executive Director Vidar Helgesen.
“The summit will activate science to advance new insights and help trigger actions for a healthier, more resilient planet.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic has put into sharp focus just how much our shared destiny depends on the collective health and safety of all people and of our natural world,” adds National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt.
“Just as scientists and researchers have come together in unprecedented ways to fight the pandemic, so too must we mobilize our best minds — across the sciences and all of society — to inspire innovation and chart a course to a more prosperous, equitable future for all.”
Ahead of the Summit a number of webinars are taking place, that take a look at the summit themes.
Ensuring a Thriving Ocean Economy for Everyone | 12 April 2021 Watch
The Power of Stories: Writing the Future of Our Planet | 31 March Watch
Tipping Points for Sustainability Transitions | 30 March 2021 Watch
Science, Society, and Development | 29 January 2021 Watch