NEWS • 2020-05-31
How we work during the Covid-19 pandemic
Due to the outbreak of the new corona virus, Covid-19, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, where the Beijer Institute is hosted, is temporarily closed for visitors, from the 26 March and onwards. But work continues.
The Beijer Institute staff are working from home since mid-March and all face to face meetings are cancelled and so are all work related travels. If you wish to contact any member of the staff, please do so via e-mail, e-mail addresses are found under People/Staff. For general queries, please e-mail
However, the Beijer Institute tries to manage business as usual as much as possible during these circumstances. We have cancelled all physical workshops and meetings, so far until mid April 2021, but run many meetings and take part in workshops on line. On-line staff meetings once a week, digital After Works and short training sessions, are other initiatives to keep the work place going scientifically as well as socially.
The Beijer Institute follows the development of the situation in Sweden and adheres to the instructions and regulations of the Swedish authorities.
We wish all our friends and colleagues around the world a safe journey through these extraordinary times.